Worship Services

Sunday Services

We encourage you to be blessed by attending our multilingual worship service at Beaumont.

We have separate worship services for Punjabi, Hindi, and Tamil communities at Edmonton. We welcome you to our sunday worship services.
PPA worship
Every Sunday 12:00 AM
PPA worship
Every Sunday 12:00 AM
PPA worship
Every Sunday 12:00 AM


This Week Events

Other prayer meetings,talent meetings, kids & youth meetings details of this week.

About Us

PPA worship

What We Believe?

We believe the Holy Scriptures (The Holy Bible) to be the divinely breathed, infallible, inerrant and authoritative Word of God.
We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in the Persons of the Holy Trinity (God the Father, Jesus the Son and Holy Spirit).Read More..

Our Mission - What We Do?

We are driven by the knowledge that every soul matters to the Lord. It is our mission to advance the cause of Christ by demonstrating His love and care, so that as many people as possible have opportunity to know Christ as their Saviour and Lord. Read More..